List Of The 20 Richest People in Indonesia 2019, 1 & 2 Unbeatable - Articlelicious

Monday, 20 May 2019

List Of The 20 Richest People in Indonesia 2019, 1 & 2 Unbeatable

Forbes Magazine Indonesia has just released a list of the richest people in the world. In the list there are 21 billionaire names from Indonesia.

In fact, two of them are included in the list of the 100 richest people in the world, namely Budi Hartono and Michael Hartono, both of whom are the richest people in Indonesia.

Budi Hartono and Michael Hartono are brothers and sisters whose source of wealth comes mostly from their investments in PT Bank Central Asia (BCA). Each of their total assets reached US $ 18.6 billion for Budi Hartono. This amount is equivalent to Rp. 263.08 trillion. Meanwhile, Michael Hartono has a total wealth of 18.4 billion US dollars, equivalent to Rp. 260.25 trillion.

Following the position of the Hartono brothers there was Sri Prakash Lohia with a wealth of 7.3 billion US dollars, equivalent to Rp. 102.2 trillion. The business involved includes the production of polyester and petrochemical products. In the fourth position there was a businessman Dato Sri Tahir who was the founder of Mayapada Group with a value of 4.5 billion US dollars, equivalent to Rp. 63 trillion, followed by Chairul Tanjung, founder of CT Corp with a value of 3.7 billion US dollars or equivalent. with Rp. 51.8 trillion.

List of the 20 richest people in Indonesia, you may see below:

1. Budi Hartono: 18.6 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 263.8 trillion
2. Michael Hartono: 18.6 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 260.4 trillion
3. Sri Prakash Lohia: 7, 3 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 102.2 trillion
4. Dato Sri Tahir: 4.5 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 63 trillion
5. Chairul Tanjung: 3.7 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 51.8 trillion
6. Prajogo Pangestu: 3 , 5 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp.49 trillion
7. Low Tuck Kwong: 2.4 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp.33.6 trillion
8. Mochtar Riady: 2.3 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp.22.2 trillion
9. Theodore Rachmat: 1 , 7 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 23.8 trillion
10. Martua Sitorus: 1.7 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 23.8 trillion
11. Peter Sondakh: 1.7 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 23.8 trillion
12. Alexander Tedja: 1.6 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 22.4 trillion
13. Murdaya Poo: 1.4 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 19.6 trillion
14. Donald Sihombing: 1.4 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 19.6 trillion
15. Eddy K Sariatmadja: 1.3 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp 18.2 trillion
16. Djoko Susanto: 1.3 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 18.2 trillion
17. Sukanto Tanoto: 1.3 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 18.2 trillion
18. Ciputra's family: 1.1 billion US dollars equivalent Rp. 15.4 trillion
19. Harjo Susanto: 1.1 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 15.4 trillion
20. Hary Tanoesoedibjo: 1.1 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp. 15.4 trillion

This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.